U.S. Soybean Oil Positioned to Retail in Egypt
USSEC met recently with Sila Edible Oils Company, an Egyptian crushing facility with a capacity of 200 tons/day and an adjacent refinery with a capacity of 120 tons/day. The company is…
USSEC Participated in the 100th Anniversary of Food Bean Wholesaler in Japan
USSEC recently participated in the 100th anniversary celebration of Kichisaburo Kitao, a third generation Food Bean Wholesaler in Kyoto, Japan's oldest city. More than 100 guests, mainly soy food processors, participated…
USSEC Member Russell Marine Group Releases U.S. River Condition Report
USSEC Member, Louisiana-based Russell Marine Group, released a report this week on the condition of U.S. rivers. The Russell Marine Group operates in all ports within the United States and…
USSEC Launches New Region with Commercial Conference
USSEC brought together for the first time a large group of soy protein commercial decision makers from throughout the Maghreb, the Mediterranean Rim, the Gulf States and Egypt in Dubai…
USSEC Hosts Successful Soy Outlook Conference in Japan
The 28th annual Japan Soy Outlook Conference was held in Tokyo on December 10 and 11. The event is one in a series of USSEC Soy Outlook Conferences, which are currently…
USSEC Sponsors National Poultry Congress in Colombia
USSEC recently participated in the Sixteenth National Poultry Congress in Cali, Colombia, where more than 1,650 business professionals were in attendance. USSEC representatives provided technical assistance to participants on the…
USSEC Hosts Korean Dehulled Soybean Meal Team to Thailand
USSEC hosted a trade team from Korea to Bangkok, Thailand, in order to demonstrate the value in tropical climates of using dehulled soybean meal in swine and broiler production. The…
USSEC Conducts Aqua Feeding Demonstrations in Peru
USSEC recently conducted one-on-one meetings with trout farmers participating in feeding demonstrations at Lake Titicaca in Peru. USSEC Contractor Jairo Amezquita led the meetings at Darwin Gomez’s Biomarina Farm and…
USSEC Hosts Board Orientation and Planning Meeting
Last week in St. Louis, USSEC hosted their Board of Directors for an orientation and planning meeting. After the Call to Order by Chairman Randy Mann, the group completed…
Grower Leaders Gather to Identify Global Game Changers
This week in St. Louis, USSEC staff participated in the United Soybean Board (USB)'s biennial CONNECTIONS meeting, which brings together representatives from throughout the U.S. soy value chain to shape…