
Category: Ground Work

U.S. Soybean Farmer Visits Japan as Part of USDA Trade Mission

United Soybean Board (USB) director Cory Atkins of Delaware was part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Undersecretary for Trade and Foreign Agriculture Affairs Ted McKinney’s trade mission to…

John Heisdorffer - Keota, Iowa

Farm: John grows corn and soybeans and raises 10,000 hogs on his farm south of Keota. He and his wife of 41 years, Deanna, have two daughters and one son…

Jimmy Sneed - Hernando, Mississippi

Farm:  Jimmy raises soybeans, corn and wheat in Hernando, Mississippi. He and his wife, Dinah, have two children, Emily and Russ. This is Jimmy’s sixth year as a USB director…

Kevin Scott - Valley Springs, South Dakota

Farm: Kevin grows soybeans and corn on his farm in Valley Springs, South Dakota. He and his wife, Jannell, have six children. Kevin has been on the North Dakota Soybean…

John Heisdorffer - Keota, Iowa

Farm: John grows corn and soybeans and raises 10,000 hogs on his farm south of Keota. He and his wife of 41 years, Deanna, have two daughters and one son…

Dwain Ford - Kinmundy, Illinois

Farm:  Dwain and his wife, Melba, own Ford Farms and M&D Seed Company in Kinmundy, Ill., where they produce and market soybeans, corn and wheat. Their family includes son, Shannon…

Angela "Annie" Dee - Aliceville, Alabama

Farm:  Annie grows corn, soybeans, wheat and rye and raises beef cattle with her brother, two sons and niece in Aliceville, Ala. They practice extensive use of cover crops to…

Richard Wilkins - Greenwood, Delaware

Farm: Richard farms 400 acres of soybeans annually with his wife, Donna, and nephew, Christopher. In addition, he produces 400 acres of corn, 250 acres of wheat, 100 acres of…

Jimmy Sneed - Hernando, Mississippi

Farm:  Jimmy raises soybeans, corn and wheat in Hernando, Mississippi. He and his wife, Dinah, have two children, Emily and Russ. This is Jimmy’s sixth year as a USB director…

John Heisdorffer, Keota, Iowa

Farm: John grows corn and soybeans and raises 10,000 hogs on his farm south of Keota. He and his wife of 41 years, Deanna, have two daughters and one son…