USSEC holds Ingredients Quality Control Seminar for Romanian Animal Industry Professionals
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On June 1, USSEC hosted a one-day seminar in Bucharest for Romanian customers with the goal of emphasizing the importance of ingredient quality control, focused on soy products, and its impact on performances and efficient use in poultry. Updates on mineral nutrition of poultry, fats quality, and importance of soybean meal analysis were also discussed at the seminar.
USSEC Consultants Dr. Roselina Angel (University of Maryland), Dr. Paloma Rebollar (Technical University of Madrid, Spain), Dr. Roser Sala (Universitat Autònomade, Barcelona, Spain) and Dr. Ana Cristina Baroetta (Universitat Autònomade, Barcelona, Spain) presented updates and advances on energy, protein, and mineral ingredients at the seminar for quality control managers, nutritionists, researchers from key poultry integrators, and independent feed mills.
The Spanish professors focused and demonstrated soybean meal differentiation by origin and the role of microscopy in the feed industry, and introduced the microscopy as a tool to detect ingredients adulteration especially on soybean meal.
The presentations were well received with a number of follow-up questions and discussions. At the end of the seminar, participants said that the event was an opportunity to refresh the basics and gain new knowledge about ingredient quality control and about the main compositional and nutritional characteristics of U.S. soybean meal versus other origin meals.
Given the interest in the various quality control topics and the need as well as the potential for improvements, U.S. Soy exporters should consider the opportunity that this market offers for growth in poultry production and the use of U.S. Soy products.