USSEC Attends 10th International Conference “Mixed Feed 2016” in Moscow, Delivers Clear Message about U.S. Soy Quality
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USSEC attended the 10th International Conference “Mixed Feed 2016” hosted by the Industrial International Academy (IAA) in Moscow, Russia from June 21 - 23. The conference was organized by the Russian Feed Manufactures Union in conjunction with the Ministry of Agriculture, the Russian Institute of Compound Feeds Industry, and IAA and supported by national livestock, swine, beef, poultry and grain unions, the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance, and by a number of specialized professional magazines.
USSEC consultants Dr. Maria Domoroshchenkova and Dr. Iani Chihaia joined the event, giving presentations promoting the usage of soy proteins in modern feeds and featuring the quality of U.S. Soy. They also offered soy technical papers, answered technical questions and inquiries from industry delegates visiting USSEC’s booth at the conference, and met with officials from professional associations, state organizations and Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) Moscow.
The event was one of the key industry’s annual meetings in Russia and offered broad possibilities of interactions with soy end users, feed millers, livestock companies and traders from the Russian Federation. More than 150 local professionals attended the event. The conference benefited from the support of several top feed additives, lab equipment, and feed milling technology suppliers including Evonik Germany, Buchi Switzerland, DSM Switzerland, Kemin Europe, BDW Feed Mill Systems, and JPT Industries Finland, among others.
Information delivered by the USSEC consultants during the event through the papers presented, interactions at the booth, and discussions during conference breaks was appreciated by the Russian poultry and feed professionals and they showed interest by asking more about the U.S. Soy nutritional profile, efficient use in animal feeding, challenges from using alternative ingredients and precise feed formulation.
In addition to meeting with industry representatives, the conference was an opportunity to follow up on previous activities to gain a better understanding of the current developments and future trends of the Russian feed industry. In this regard, the aqua sector development in Russia is on the agenda of the officials and several investors are interested in aqua farms.
The aqua market in Russia is in its infancy but has a significant potential for growth over the next decade with the majority of the increase in production coming from farmed fish that will require high protein feeds. According to the Russian Feed Manufactures association statement at the conference, the local aqua sector is going to be developed within the next five to ten years in order to supply the existing demand for fish products. Currently, over 60 percent of the fish consumed in Russia are imported. Estimates show that the annual demand for aqua feeds will grow up from 150 thousand metric tons (TMT) in 2015 to 500 TMT in 2020 and up to 850 TMT by 2025. Consequently, this opens up an important growth area for U.S. Soy products.