U.S. Soy Feedmill Customers in Romania and Bulgaria Get Technical Support from USSEC

In an effort to support U.S. Soy customers, USSEC recently organized one-on-one technical programs at key, fast-growing livestock and feed milling companies in Romania and Bulgaria.
USSEC consultants Dr. Gonzalo Mateos, Dr. Birger Svihus, Dr. Ozren Zimonja, and Dr. Iani Chihaia teamed up for this activity with the goal to provide assistance and knowledge to customers on soy differentiation between origins and suppliers and particle size, as key factors in improving the profitability of integrations from growing industries from these Southeast European countries.

Particle size is fundamental for healthy animals, fed with antibiotic-free diets. Dr. Svihus discusses the importance of particle size for highly productive animals today.
USSEC consultant Dr. Svihus and Biser Ivanov, Agrosip’s feedmill director, review the importance of preventive maintenance in the feedmill and how to check a worn hammer.

The USSEC consultants emphasized the role of soybean meal as a high quality source of protein / amino acids, and according to the origin of soybean meal, the quality varies. They also made clear that dehulled soybean meal has an excellent nutrient profile and higher energy values and contains more digestible nutrients compared to non-dehulled soybean meals, suggesting that is desirable to use U.S. dehulled soybean meal for improving egg weight as well as egg quality to get higher egg grade from consumers. The use of U.S. dehulled soybean meal with excellent protein quality and amino acid digestibility could be useful for the economic production of layers. Another topic of interest was soybean meal and oil in laying hens’ nutrition and feeding. Feed formulation and feed manufacturing knowledge shared by the USSEC consultants proved to be valuable answers for the nutritionists and feed mill managers from the companies visited.

Dr. Mateos reviews feed formulation and discusses U.S. Soy advantages to company management and technical personnel.
Dr. Peter Irrgang (right) Agrosip Dabovic general manager, Bulgaria shows the company’s production facilities to Dr. Mateos (middle) and Dr. Svihus (left).

As for the feedmill part of the visits, the USSEC experts commented on the importance of proper storage of different origins and segregation between different ingredients, emphasizing the importance of segregation soybean meals of different origins. Additionally, they presented how to properly manage the handling of stored soybean meal and mistakes to avoid. Another important discussion focused on ingredient handling and storage rules and their impact on economics and efficiency.

Modern raw materials storage and feed milling at Agrosip, Bulgaria.
The Romanian customers visited were very appreciative to receive a visit from USSEC and support in terms of technology experience.
Dr. Mateos (left) Dr. Svihus (middle,) and Dr. Zimonja (feed manufacturing expert) emphasized the proper conditioning temperatures for high quality pelleted feed, by the means of expander.

The management and personnel of the visited companies expressed gratitude for the chance to improve their knowledge on U.S. Soy quality attributes. They understood the energy and nutritive values and how to incorporate them into feeds in order to improve poultry and feed production performances. This technical activity is expected to encourage and increase U.S. Soy imports from this year crop in Romania and Bulgaria.