Peruvian Swine Producers Learn More About U.S. Soy

USSEC took part in the VI Peruvian Swine International congress and V Iberian American Swine Congress in Lima, Peru.
USSEC consultants Julio Chaves and Dr. Carlos Campabadal Sr. participated as speakers and South American consultant Belinda Pignotti accompanied the USSEC representation and actively participated in USSEC’s at the commercial section of the Congress.
Dr. Campabadal Sr. gave a presentation titled, “Effect of Feed Processing on Pigs’ Performance.” Dr. Chavis presented a talk, “Quo Vadis Porcus” (Where Are You Going, Pig?) as a consideration of where the swine industry is heading and how swine producers can survive in a competitive global market where some single actors have more sows than the whole sow population of many Latin American countries.
The consultants attended professional talks and spent time at the USSEC booth where producers, professionals, and general attendees had the opportunity to ask about U.S. soybeans and visit with them about U.S. soybean quality, U.S. soybean growers’ commitment to sustainability, and the general advantages of the use of U.S. soybeans over soybeans from other origins.

Dr. Chavez presents his thoughts about the swine industry’s future
Ms. Pignotti provides USSEC information and mementos for attendees
Dr. Campabadal Sr. talks about U.S. soybean protein quality
Consultants Campabadal Sr. and Pignotti at the USSEC booth