Polish Swine Feeding Program Consultations Help U.S. Soy End Users

USSEC recently organized technical support for the Polish swine feeding industry.
USSEC consultant Dr. Jannes Doppenberg, a swine nutritionist from Schorthorst Feed Research in the Netherlands, and Jerzy Kosieradzki, USSEC Technical Director - Northeast Europe, worked with five key feed compounders and livestock integrators. The companies included:

  • WIPASZ, an ambitious company owned by the Wisniewski family, is the third largest compound feed manufacturer in Poland with five feed mills and the sixth under construction. The company is located in the northeastern part of the country.
  • NUTRIPOL-Pasze, a smaller, yet important feed compounder with a feed production capacity of 18 thousand metric tons (TMT) per month. It is owned by Indykpol, Olsztyn, Poland’s largest turkey integrator, which has also begun building its chicken integration business.
  • TASOMIX, a large Polish feed compounder that has its own turkey and swine farms, is continuing to grow. Their newest mill is located close to Radom in central Poland and is being completed now.
  • PIAST, another Polish commercial feed manufacturer that also has its own poultry farms. The company was hit with challenges a couple of years ago, but survived and returned to growing its business.
  • AGRIPLUS, the swine growing arm of Animex, a subsidiary of Smithfield in Poland; the company is the largest pig growing entity in the country with a strong drive to excellence.

The U.S. Soy envoys met with nutritionists, formulators, and swine farm advisory service people from each organization to review their swine feeding programs and discuss various problems encountered in their production and at their clients and contract growers’ farms. Protein-rich ingredients, including soybean meal, full-fat soy, rapeseed meal, and sunflower meal utilization was extensively discussed.
At each company, the customers were informed about USSEC professional training and promotional activities planned for the current fiscal year. The customers were consulted about the Polish swine market’s specific needs for professional education and how to improve USSEC activities.

Agriplus / Smithfield has grown its swine production in Poland. Their newest sow farm opened a few months before the USSEC swine nutrition consulting visit.
At WIPASZ feed company, Dr. Doppenberg worked with four specialists, including the technologists under Mr. Dawid leski’s supervision and Ewa Gulbinska, who manages the company’s field service.
At PIAST feed & livestock company, Dr. Doppenberg worked with their two nutritionists, Dr. Anna Ptak and Emilia Pawlak.
Agriplus weanlings grown in their own farms and at contract growers’ operations are receiving consistently better feeding and management conditions.