soybean field

USSEC’s Strategy in Korea Pays Off with Several Soybean Meal Shipments Due to Arrive in 2014

USSEC’s strategy in Korea is paying off as the first of four soybean meal cargoes departed the Pacific Northwest on December 30 heading for Incheon Port, Korea.  All four cargoes of U.S. soybean meal are contracted to arrive by March.  The first shipment, containing 24,000 metric tons of soybean meal, was supplied by CHS and is scheduled to arrive on January 15.  The cargo was contracted last October between CHS and Korea Feed Association (KFA) for eighteen of its member feed mills near Incheon and Busan.

USSEC staff, in preparation for the shipments’ arrivals, is meeting individually with the feed mills’ technical and purchasing staffs to assist them in the most effective use of U.S. soybean meal in their feed production.  USSEC shared data on the amino acid content and digestibility of U.S. soybean meal as analyzed by KFA for their feed formulation.  USSEC also highlighted the efficient U.S. logistics system that assures the stable supply of U.S. soybean meal.  Last year, Korean feed mills suffered from the delayed delivery of Brazilian soybean meal cargoes due to Brazil’s inefficient logistics system.