soybean field

USSEC Promotes U.S. Soy in Spain

USSEC recently held a series of meetings in Spain from March 1-3.  USSEC Regional Director – Europe and Middle East North Africa Brent Babb met with USSEC consultant Professor Gonzalo Mateos of the University of Spain and USSEC consultant Lola Herrera in Madrid to discuss the regional U.S. soy market.  Mr. Babb and Dr. Mateos also traveled to the cities of Plasencia, Trujillo, and Cáceres in the Extremadura region to visit cattle farms.  Mr. Babb, Dr. Mateos and Ms. Herrera next traveled to Barcelona for meetings with Robert Hanson of the U.S. Embassy; Julio Soler of Nutreco; Jorge de Saja of the Spanish Confederation of Compound Animal Feeds (CESFAC); Alexander Doring of European Feed Manufacturers' Federation (FEFAC); Mr. Recasens and his team at Bunge; and Enrique Cabello of Cargill.