soybean field

USSEC Hosts Roundtable Targeting Korean Crushing and Swine Feed Industry

USSEC hosted the 2015 Soybean Crushing Roundtable on April 16 targeting executives and purchasing-, technical- and marketing staff employees of major Korean crushing industry and feed mills from the swine sector and swine integrators. Participants included the chairman of Korea Soy Processors Association and the purchasing committee chair and R&D committee chair of Korea Feed Association (KFA).
The objective of the roundtable was to get Korea’s crushing and swine feed industries together and to discuss the quality characteristics of soybean meal suitable for swine feeds with focus on amino acid. The U.S. Soy Sustainability Assurance Protocol (SSAP) was also introduced to the target audiences. USSEC Regional Director – North Asia Paul Burke gave a presentation via Webex on the SSAP and its value. Following the presentation, USSEC delivered a message on the paradigm shift in soybean meal purchases of KFA member feed mills from crude protein to digestible amino base and quality of soybean meal as it pertains to swine feeds. Through activities such as this roundtable, USSEC has been promoting the concept of linking amino acid to the value of soybean meal because soybean meal processed from U.S. soybeans is generally known to have more amino acid than competing soybean meals.

Participants at the 2015 Soybean Crushing Roundtable are listening to welcoming remarks from Say Young Jo, USSEC Country Director - Korea
Participants at the 2015 Soybean Crushing Roundtable are listening to welcoming remarks from Say Young Jo, USSEC Country Director - Korea