USSEC Aquaculture Collaborator Named Best Fish Farm and Processing in North Sumatra, Indonesia

STP (Suri Tani Pemuka), a public holding company based in Jakarta, was named the best fish farm and fish processing company in North Sumatra. North Sumatra Governor Tengku Erry Nuradi presented the award on Nusantara Day, December 21, at Jono Beach, Batubara County. The award was a prestigious appreciation by the government for STP’s committed and integrated aquaculture business in North Sumatra.
STP is an integrated aquaculture company featuring a tilapia hatchery and grow-out and fish processing located in Simalungun County, producing high quality fish product from good aquaculture practices. The company exports tilapia filets to U.S. and European markets. In addition, more than 80 percent of its employees hail from the local community. It holds to a strict sustainable practice to minimize environmental pollution in Lake Toba, where the fish cages are located.
STP is a longtime partner of USSEC Aquaculture - Indonesia and has collaborated in fish feed trials. The organization’s fish farm in Lake Toba has used U.S. soybean meal in its aquafeed since the early 2000s.

PT. STP Cage Fish Farm in Lake Toba, Simalungun County, North Sumatra, Indonesia