USSEC organized the 1st USSEC Update on Extrusion Technology and Nutrition Webinar on July 15 and 16 for Tunisian and Algerian customers of U.S. Soy.
USSEC consultants Dr. Mian Riaz of Texas A & M University, Dave Albin of Insta-Pro International, and Juan Acedo Rico, three high level specialists on the extrusion process and nutrition gave presentation on the process, quality control, and the use of extruded, pressed, and fullfat soybean meals. Dr. Riaz showed the large variety of possible uses through the extrusion process; Dr. Albin highlighted the nutrition aspects of FFSB in several species in animal and aqua production; and Dr. Acedo Rico focused on the use of FFSB and its quality control. They all emphasized the characteristics of U.S. soybeans and their advantage both for processing and nutritive value.
At least 25 key participants from the Tunisian and Algerian poultry and feed industry markets attended the event and showed a high interest by staying tuned for the two-day sessions. A few participants from the dairy and aquafeed industry also attended the webinars.
As an introduction, Riadh Karma, USSEC country representative for both Tunisia and Algeria, gave an overview of the importance of extruded products since 2012 in Tunisia and their common use in the poultry meat Industry.
USSEC Regional Director – EU / Middle East North Africa (MENA) Brent Babb gave a talk highlighting the importance of the MENA market and especially the stable soybean market in Tunisia and the promising Algerian market with its growing U.S. market share. He updated participants on the U.S. soybean growing season as well as the availability of high-quality U.S. soybeans during this period, which is very favorable for U.S. origin purchases.
At the end of the event, participants asked several interesting written questions and the USSEC consultants provided clear answers, committing to help customers for any future concerns. Tunisian and Algerian participants highly appreciated the choice of this topic, which is not very common in USSEC events. Aqua Feed thanked USSEC for organizing the virtual one-day conference held in two sessions, which provided operational information showing U.S. soybean meal’s role in covering nutritional poultry needs.
During the difficult times caused by the COVID-19 pandemic for the animal feed industry, USSEC worked through this event to have more people extend their knowledge regarding the extrusion process, its advantages, its low cost, and the advantage of U.S. beans in the extrusion process and use. The webinar allowed participants to understand how extruded high-quality U.S. soybeans can help improve animal nutrition efficiency, especially in broilers and turkeys.