soybean field

Sci Babe to Headline 2017 Soybean Leadership College


The American Soybean Association’s (ASA) annual Soybean Leadership College will take place in St. Louis January 10 – 12.
The Soybean Leadership College provides current and future agricultural industry leaders with training to effectively promote the soybean industry, communicate key agricultural messages and work to expand U.S. soybean market opportunities domestically and internationally while fostering networking between growers from across the country.
The 2017 Soybean Leadership College opens with the session, “10 Blankety-Blank Arguments Against GMOs – Why Science Rocks Agriculture” with Yvette d’Entremont, also known as the SciBabe, an analytical chemist turned science blogger, who has proven that a few jokes and a little bit of sass can shake up the way people talk about all things agriculture. The SciBabe has traveled the world busting pseudoscience and speaking to the importance of only trusting proven science, especially in agriculture and food consumption.
The 2017 Soybean Leadership College also features the following sessions:

  • “Why Can’t We Be Friends? – Finding Shared Values to Connect with Consumers”
  • “Making Their Mark: The Importance of Women and Young People in Agriculture”
  • “Soy 411”– Your chance to ask ASA’s grower leaders questions about the soybean industry.

Rounding out the program are sessions on sustainability, communications, social media and financial management.
For additional information about the Soybean Leadership College, click here.