soybean field

Filipino Soybean Importers Visit Washington Processing Plants, Minnesota Farms

A delegation of soybean importers from the Philippines visited processing plants in Washington State and soybean farms in Minnesota in mid-October to gain a better understanding of how soybeans are grown, processed and exported in the U.S.  The group traveled to Grey’s Harbor in Washington State to learn about the exporting process, also visiting several processing plants to show what happens to the beans after they leave the farm.  The delegation went on to Minnesota to see soybean fields and the equipment used to harvest them, furthering the relationship between the two countries.  This visit was part of a harvest tour to see how soybeans are harvested, to collect crop samples and visit U.S. livestock operations.
Danvers, Minnesota farmer Mike O’Leary was one of several hosts to the agricultural delegates who are involved in soybean meal purchasing and livestock operations in the Philippines.  He discussed the importance of developing personal relationships between U.S soybean farmers and foreign buyers.  “I think it is the best thing we do to sell our soybean meal,” Mr. O’Leary said.  “We travel back and forth to develop an important relationship with them and show them that even though we are not the sales people, we care about the quality of the product we are providing for them and how it is used in their operations as well.”
USSEC’s most recent figures demonstrate that the Philippines is an important market for U.S. soy.  It is the largest customer for U.S. soybean meal outside of North America.