soybean field

Chairman of Egyptian Poultry Producers Delivers Speech at U.S. – MENA Agribusiness Trade Mission in Cairo

Dr. Nabil Darwish, chairman of Egyptian Poultry Producers, spoke at the U.S. – Middle East/North African (MENA) Agribusiness Trade Mission in Cairo, Egypt on April 2. Below is the text of the speech that Dr. Darwish delivered to USSEC chairman Jim Miller, USSEC CEO Jim Sutter, and representatives of the Egyptian soy industry.
“On behalf of the Egyptian Poultry Association, welcome again to Egypt and thanks to the great events and programs that have been organized by the USSEC team over the past few years.
We have found the events and programs very useful because of the following points:

  • Gathered decision makers from around the world in the same field under one roof and gave us a chance to talk about the opportunities and challenges of our industries and listen to each other’s perspective and viewpoints
  • Opportunity to meet potential customers and suppliers in the events and broaden our network which created many opportunities
  • Opportunity to meet with the industry’s specialists and broaden our technical network, which helps in the improvement and advancement of our industry
  • Tackle some of the important topics facing our industry like disease prevention, biosecurity, cost-efficient feed formulation, nutrition, and production efficiency
  • Emphasize the importance of the quality of commodities in feed production; U.S.-origin soybeans improving diet quality and performance
  • Discuss purchasing of raw material and the different purchasing approaches that can be done to decrease the feed cost
  • Logistics handling and its importance in trade sustainability
  • What to look at and what to look for to facilitate and influence purchasing decisions
  • Appreciate technical services program to extruders & presses to make expelled soybean meal for poultry
  • We found the events very well organized and the team was always helpful; we thank you very much for the great efforts that have been done and we look forward to attend future events.”