soybean field

USSEC Provides Technical Support to Marine Fish Farms in Philippines

USSEC visited different marine fish farms in the Philippines to provide technical support and suggestions to improve their efficiency and production. USSEC was able to discuss and show on site proper feed management using the satiation setting technique using extruded floating feed.
USSEC was able to provide additional knowledge and information in marine fish hatchery biosecurity and production improvement, and proper fish culture management and feeding management to marine fish cage operators in Luzon and Mindanao, Philippines.

Hsiang Pin Lan, USSEC Asia Marine Aquaculture Specialist, and Levy Loreto L. Manalac, USSEC Technical Manager – Aquaculture, Philippines discusses and demonstrates USSEC’s satiation feeding technique using extruded floating feeds to Carlos Co and staff of Oversea Feeds Corp. Marine fish Cage Farm in Carcar, Cebu, Philippines on December 12
Mr. Lan checks the nursery tanks and water filtration system of Finfiah Hatcheries Inc. to improve its marine fish fingerling production