USSEC Participates in International Poultry Forum Baikal 2016
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- Animal Utilization
- General News
The Euro-Asian poultry conference, “International Poultry Forum Baikal 2016,” was held July 4-8 in Ulan-Ude, the capital of the republic Buryatia (located in the Asian part of the Russian Federation). The Russian organizer of the event, International Poultry Forum LLC, is a member of the International Poultry Council and of the Euro-Asian Poultry Association. Attendees included representatives, specialists, traders, poultry producers, and feed compounders from different regions of the Russian Federation and from the surrounding countries of Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, and Japan. USSEC co-sponsored the conference and associated activities.
USSEC consultants presented two papers, introducing different aspects of U.S. Soy and its proper application and usage in feed formulation. Dr. Jan van Eys introduced the “Importance of Soy and Soybean Meal; Control of Quality Parameters for Soy Products and their Application in Broiler Feeding,” and Dr. Iani Chihaia presented “Fine Tuning of Ingredient Matrix for Accurate and Economic Poultry Feed Formulation.”
The presentations were well received and by the end of the lectures, participants posed several questions about U.S. Soy quality and feed formulation techniques. The information delivered during the event through the papers presented and one-to-one interactions was appreciated by the Russian, Belarus and Kazakhstan poultry and feed professionals, and they showed interest by interacting with USSEC to learn more about the advantages of soy in poultry feeding and precise feed formulation.
Active discussions and networking, visiting with end users and potential customers, and general exchanges during and around the conference represented an important aspect of the overall activities and these clearly led to opportunities to expand recognition and engagement for USSEC.
The potential of expansion for U.S. Soy exports is a great opportunity in a growing feed market with considerable opportunity to increase its soybean meal consumption. Follow-up with the various contacts established at this conference, especially those in neighboring countries, will be necessary to consolidate gains in recognition.
USSEC’s attendance and participation at this important regional conference allowed the organization to communicate its message of the advantages of U.S. Soy to a unique international audience and, consequently, allowed U.S. Soy to be positioned as a key, competitive source of value relative to soy of other origins in a region where an increase in competition is crucial for the livestock and feed industries.