soybean field

USSEC Sponsors RAPCO Poultry Nutrition Course at Kansas State University

USSEC recently invited thirty participants from Latin American to the Regional Animal Production Course (RAPCO) on poultry nutrition, held from August 20-23 at the International Grains Program Conference Center at Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kansas.  The course, taught by USSEC representatives, industry professionals and academic instructors, focused on new techniques and updating participants’ knowledge of poultry nutrition and management.  Topics covered included the nutrient value of soybeans; the birds’ digestive systems; broiler breeder nutrition and management; the effect of feed processing on broiler performance; enzyme application; and heat stress in poultry.  The participants also toured the Kansas State University feed mill.  Participants acknowledged that the course helps reinforce basic concepts and to learn about the latest industry innovations.
According to USSEC consultant and RAPCO director Carlos Campabadal, the technical program helps Latin American customers who import U.S. soybean meal to “better understand nutritional benefits and how to improve their operations.”  The mission of RAPCO, which began in 1989, is to teach new technologies for customers to improve their production parameters and to create a greater market for U.S. soy.