soybean field

USSEC Participates in III Forum, “Current Situation and Perspectives of Shrimp Production in Mexico”

USSEC recently participated in the III Forum, “Current Situation and Perspectives of Shrimp Production in Mexico.”  USSEC consultants Jairo Amezquita and Gerardo Luna traveled to Ciudad Obregon, Mexico to attend this conference.  The goal of this event was to present the current situation of Mexican shrimp production and its market trends.  This forum was attended by about 450 people including potential users of U.S. soybean products such as aquafeed mills, shrimp producers, representatives from government offices, technicians from various universities and delegates from sanitary committees.  USSEC sponsored the participation of the executive director of the Ecuadorian Chamber of Aquaculture who provided support to the Mexican shrimp industry by presenting relevant information about the aquaculture practices developed in Ecuador to avoid sanitation issues and how Ecuador has achieved a profitable industry.  Mr. Luna gave a lecture titled “Risk Management in the Shrimp Industry.”

Mr. Amezquita and Mr. Luna also met with the directors of the National Council of Producers of Balanced Feed and Animal Nutrition of Mexico to coordinate opportunities to work together during this next year.  USSEC will sponsor several aquaculture activities conducted by this council that will be developed in Mexico.

Participants of the III Forum “Current Situation and Perspectives of Shrimp Production in Mexico” are shown during a break
Participants of the III Forum “Current Situation and Perspectives of Shrimp Production in Mexico” are shown during a break