soybean field

U.S. Soybean Sector Marks Positive Achievements in Crush, Exports

According to USSEC consultant and economist John Baize, the 2014/15 U.S. soybean crush is forecasted to be 3.593 metric million tons (MMT) greater than the 2010/11 crush.  In the same period, the combined crush volume of Argentina and Brazil is predicted to grow by just 1.706 MMT.  Only China is forecasted to have a greater increase in crush volume than the U.S.
Additionally, the U.S. is estimated to have accounted for 67 percent of global growth in soymeal exports between 2010/11 and 2014/15.  U.S. soymeal exports are forecasted to have grown by 3.374 MMT while Argentina and Brazil’s combined soymeal growth is predicted at only 0.328 MMT.