Three Trends to Investigate at Soy Connext

Soy Connext brings together decision makers from around the globe to collaborate with soybean experts, gain insights and share information with peers. The 2022 event in San Diego will be no different. Here are three trends not to miss during discussions at this year’s event: 

Markets are Hungry for U.S. Soy

As the world GDP continues to climb, soy plays an important part in feeding not only humans, but also chickens, pigs, other livestock and fish. Global demand for soy reached nearly 353 MMT in 2020/21, a number that continues to align closely with the growing GDP, when overlapping data between USDA, World Bank, International Monetary Fund and the U.S. Soy Long-Term Forecast. 

Preferences and an increasing demand for poultry, pork and soy foods means U.S. Soy will play a significant role in meeting protein needs. In fact, both formal and informal feeding trials in destination countries repeatedly show meal from U.S. soybeans outperform expectations. 

Not all soy is equal, and U.S. Soy rises to the challenge when it comes to whole soybean quality, soybean meal consistency, processing conditions, amino acid digestibility and energy. At Soy Connext, featured industry speakers and experts will share perspectives on how buyers can use this to their advantage and help attendees meet their company goals.  

Sustainable, Efficient Value Chains Set Buyers Apart

Globally, a focus on greenhouse gas emissions dominates conversations around sustainability. U.S. agriculture has taken note, with some of the largest agribusiness companies offering programs for farmers to adopt additional practices and an overall climate-forward approach to doing business. 

U.S. soybean farmers’ commitment to sustainability and innovation has led to the adoption of practices such as no-till farming, precision nutrient management, cover crops and buffer strips. And, that same commitment makes them well-poised to reduce GHG, while trapping carbon within their soils. 

The commitment to carbon doesn’t end at the farm gate. Efficiencies in shipping are a continued focus of others within the U.S. soybean industry from dredging rivers to improve freight-based transportation to navigating global shipping logistics. 

These key advantages will be on display throughout the events surrounding Soy Connext, as participants fully immerse in a U.S. Soy experience. 

Data-Backed Solutions Start with Sustainable Ingredients

As digital innovations continue to grow throughout food and ag sectors, the U.S. Soy industry continues to work on tools that enable buyers to make data-backed decisions. These range from the sustainability of production practices employed by U.S. farmers to produce the high-quality soybean crop that crushers, processors and companies have come to expect when purchasing U.S. Soy. 

Tools such as the recently launched Soybean Oil Value Calculator help buyers understand the variables that impact profitability and quality when it comes to soybean purchasing outside of price and crude protein. In fact, it provides data focused on the nutrient value, oil quality and refining yield based on country of origin. 

The information available on U.S. Soy is vast, including ways for buyers to purchase soy based on intended use or to understand the nutrient makeup of the specific shipment through protein analysis.  

Attendees at Soy Connext will have the opportunity to network, as well as listen to, soy users who have used the comprehensive access to data from U.S. Soy to their advantage and helped elevate their businesses and product quality. 

Want to learn about the advantages U.S. Soy can bring to your business?  Register for Soy Connext today and join us in building a better tomorrow with U.S. Soy. 

Partially funded by U.S. Soy farmers, their soy checkoff, and the soy value chain.