Missouri Soy Growers Visit MOSOY-funded Gold Standard IPRS Demonstration in Vietnam

USSEC and the Missouri Soybean Association (MOSOY) have been collaborating on a long-term initiative to move the aquaculture pond industry in Vietnam to methods that will dramatically increase yields and help to drive the demand for aquafeeds with high quality ingredients, such as U.S. Soy.
A team from MOSOY visited northern Vietnam in August to visit the demonstration In Pond Raceway System (IPRS) and the demonstration cooperator, Mr. Viet in Hai Duong, Vietnam. The team also had the opportunity to visit a second commercial operation that was designed on the basis of visits to the demonstration site by an owner that is putting into place a 15-cell IPRS system. MOSOY is also funding an instructional video and Missouri Soybeans executive director/CEO Gary Wheeler was interviewed for this effort.
MOSOY participants included Missouri Soybean directors Brooks Hurst, John Kelley, and Ronnie Russell; Missouri growers Kyle Durham and Bob Littleton; director of business development Tony Stafford; and Wheeler.

MOSOY Group with USSEC Southeast Asia Staff and Mr. Le Van Viet (Demonstration Cooperator)
Gary Wheeler is interviewed for a promotional video