Canada Joins ISGA
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Soy Canada joined the International Soybean Growers Alliance (ISGA) in March 2015.
The ISGA is comprised of growers and industry representatives from countries that supply over 95 percent of the world’s soybean production. Member countries from North and South America share a commitment to meet increasing world demand for quality and healthy soy products produced in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner. The ISGA comes together to oppose market restrictions and scientifically unsound non-tariff barriers.
Soy Canada is the national commodity association representing all components of the soybean supply chain in Canada including producer associations from all soybean growing regions, exporters, processors and seed developers. The association’s mandate includes maintaining and expanding market access, opening new markets, increasing the profile of the soybean industry, and strengthening relationships among stakeholders and governments.
According to Soy Canada’s executive director Jim Everson, the organization “supports the broad objectives of the ISGA in communicating the economic and social sustainability of the soybean supply chain and pursuing predictable and open trade and science-based policies and regulation internationally.”