USSEC Japan Participates in 18th National Natto Competition, Red River Valley U.S. Award Winner Announced
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USSEC Japan participated in the 18th National Natto Competition held in Utsunomiya Tochigi Prefecture, Japan. The event was organized and sponsored by the Japan Natto Cooperative Society Federation to demonstrate the commitment of the U.S. Soy Industry for the newly established Red River U.S. Award. USSEC, in collaboration with the Northern Food Grade Soybean Association (NFGSA), established the U.S. Soybean Prize Category in the National Natto Competition in 2011.
Participants included Bob Sinner, President of SB & B Foods, a USSEC member organization; Atsuko Uchiyama of Sun Opta, Japan represented the NFGSA; David C. Miller, Minister-Counselor for Agricultural Affairs of the U.S. Embassy, Tokyo; and Mitsuyuki Nishimura and Masi Tateishi of USSEC Japan.
Mr. Miller gave the opening comments at the reception and press meeting, highlighting the importance of agricultural trade between the U.S. and Japan. “The U.S. Embassy is dedicated to ensuring that the Japanese Natto industry continues to receive a constant supply of safe and high quality products from America’s soybean growers,” stated Miller. Mr. Sinner and Ms. Uchiyama, representing the NFGSA, presented the 3rd Red River Valley U.S. Award to Sato Shokuhin Kogyo, located in Kagoshima Prefecture. The award helps to ensure the safe and reliable production of crops from the Red River Valley region, grown and exported globally under a strict IP system.
USSEC will continue its strong commitment to the Japanese Natto Industry. Currently, U.S. Soy growers provide 83% of Japan’s natto. This partnership with the natto industry continues to strengthen U.S. sales and preserves loyalty to U.S. IP soy.