soybean field

Tunisian Feed Industry’s Quick, Consistent Growth Offers Opportunities for U.S. Soy

Tunisia’s feed industry and poultry market are consistently growing at an average rate of six to seven percent annually.  American soybeans imported by Tunisia for local crushing represent by far the number one commodity imported from the U.S. in value.  Soybean meal, together with corn, represents a major ingredient in compound feed, especially in poultry rations.  At least four new major feed mills are being constructed by Tunisia’s two major totally integrated companies Poulina Holding Group (PGH) and CHAHIA Group.

During his recent visit to Tunisia, USSEC Regional Director – Europe and Middle East/North Africa Brent Babb met with main operators from Tunisia’s poultry and feed industries and visited the unique soybean crushing plant, Carthage Grain (CG).  CG has imported around 242,000 metric tons of soybeans from the U.S. during this fiscal year, representing about half of the soybean market share of Tunisia.

Brent Babb, Regional Director of Europe & Middle East/North Africa, along with USSEC consultants Riadh Karma and Khalid Benabdeljelil, visit Carthage Grain’s crushing plant in Tunisia.  Two new feed mills are being built near the crushing plant to provide a steady supply of soybean meal to support growth in the local poultry and livestock industry.  Carthage Grain has imported 242,000 metric tons of U.S. soybeans so far this year.
Brent Babb, Regional Director of Europe & Middle East/North Africa, along with USSEC consultants Riadh Karma and Khalid Benabdeljelil, visit Carthage Grain’s crushing plant in Tunisia. Two new feed mills are being built near the crushing plant to provide a steady supply of soybean meal to support growth in the local poultry and livestock industry. Carthage Grain has imported 242,000 metric tons of U.S. soybeans so far this year.