Fingerling to Market Growth Performance of Wuchang Bream on Two Soy-Based Aquafeeds

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Category: Aquaculture

Region: Northeast Asia


Growth performance of wuchang bream was compared from fingerling to market stages in an ASA 80:20 pond technology trial using two ASA soy-based aquafeeds. This was the second year of a two-year wuchang bream evaluation trial conducted at the Tai Xing Fish Stock Farm in Jiangsu Province. Wuchang in six replicate trial ponds were fed to satiation twice daily with the ASA feeds. Wuchang in three of the ponds were fed with the standard ASA 32/6 carp growout feed. Wuchang in the other three ponds were fed with the ASA 32/3 grass carp feed. Both feeds were fed in extruded, floating pellet form. Wuchang fed the 32/6 feed grew from 36 g to 329 g in 188 days of feeding, with an average FCR of 1.78:1. Fish fed the 32/3 grass carp feed grew from 36 g to 313 g in 188 days of feeding, with an average FCR of 1.83:1. Wuchang survival averaged 93.1% and 95.5%, respectively, for fish fed the 32/6 and 32/3 feeds. Gross production averaged 245 kg per mu for wuchang bream and 67 kg/mu for silver carp in the three ponds receiving the 32/6 feed. In ponds receiving the 32/3 feed, gross production was 239 kg per mu for wuchang bream and 90 kg per mu for silver carp. Net economic return averaged RMB 328 per mu and RMB 655 per mu for fish fed the 32/6 and 32/3 feeds, respectively. Return on investment was significantly higher for fish fed the 32/3 feed because of the lower cost of the feed.