Report Shows U.S. Soybean Residue Below Market Standards

Each year, USSEC contracts the Kansas City USDA National Grain Center, formerly known as the GIPSA Technical Center, to analyze the chemical residue of 100 soybean samples. The samples represent a cross section of the U.S. soybean export crop.
The Center uses a gas chromatograph machine to analyze the agriculture chemical residue found on the soybeans and provides an annual report of the results to USSEC. USSEC uses this report to provide reassurance to international customers that chemical residues found on U.S. soybeans do not violate U.S. or international market laws. Kim Nill, USSEC technical issuesdirector, recently attended an open house of the Grain Center to learn moreabout the new technology and continue to strengthen the relationship between the Center and USSEC.