How are you measuring the value of soy?

The days of evaluating soy based solely on crude protein are a thing of the past. Today, producers, crushers and refiners have an arsenal of data at their disposal that can help them effectively evaluate soybeans from different sources and make value-based buying decisions. Particularly, research has shown that country of origin can drive the quality and nutrient content (mineral, amino acid profile) of soybean meal1 and oil2 – which ultimately impacts the bottom line.

Let’s take a closer look at the U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC)’s latest innovation, with support from the soy checkoff – the Soybean Value Calculator – that uses your data to help shed light on these origin-based differences. ­This innovative tool enables crushers to calculate and compare the economic value of crushing soybeans from the U.S., Brazil and other origins. Based on origin-specific whole soybean characteristics, the calculator estimates the true, quality-adjusted whole soybean crush margin by accounting for co-product yields, soybean meal nutrient value, soybean oil refining costs, and plant efficiencies. 

This tool helps bring together two existing calculators – the Nutrient Value Calculator and the Soybean Oil Value Calculator – and in doing so, paints a more wholistic picture of the value of soybeans. You can utilize the tool online and export your results as a simple-to-read PDF report.

Screenshot of the Soybean Value Calculator tool.

“We were thrilled to introduce this tool at the 2022 Soy Connext event with such a diverse group of stakeholders in attendance,” said Colby Pinkstone, Senior Director of Strategic Programs at USSEC. “As we continue toward our vision of transforming global nutrition, it’s data-driven solutions like this Soybean Value Calculator that will help drive transparency in the marketplace and clearly demonstrate the value of U.S. Soy.”

The bottom line – not all soybeans are created equal. Knowing more about the source and quality of  soy on the front end will result in optimal return on investment and performance throughout the value chain.  

Help turn your data into dollars and cents – utilize the Soybean Value Calculator today or reach out to any U.S. Soy representative for more information.

This story is partially funded by U.S. Soy farmers, their checkoff and the soy value chain.