Red Tilapia Production in Ponds from Fry to Market Size with Soy-Based Feeds
Category: Aquaculture
Region: Northeast Asia
DownloadA two-stage feeding trial was conducted near Haikou, Hainan Province, to evaluate fry to market growth performance of red tilapia using the ASA 80:20 pond production model and ASA soymeal-based feeds. In the first stage, juvenile fish were stocked in one 2.0-mu (0.13-ha) and two 2.5-mu (0.17-ha) ponds at a density of 4,000 red tilapia and 1,000 silver carp per mu (60,000 tilapia and 15,000 silver carp per hectare). Red tilapia grew from 1.0 g to an average weight of 51.3 g per fish in 62 days of feeding, with an average FCR of 0.97:1. At fish size 50 g, the fish were restocked at 800 red tilapia and 200 silver carp per mu (12,000 tilapia and 3,000 silver carp per hectare). Red tilapia grew from 50g to an average weight of 573 g in 110 days, with an average FCR of 1.16:1. Total production time from fry (1-g) to market size (573 g) was 172 days. Red tilapia demonstrated excellent growth performance and feed conversion efficiency with the ASA soymeal-based feeds and 80:20 production technology throughout the production cycle, and yielded market size fish from fry within the constraints of a single production season.