soybean field

USSEC Seminar Featured in Asian Fisheries Society E-Newsletter

USSEC’s seminar on “High Value Marine Fish Culture and Disease Prevention and Health Management in Philippines” was featured in the June 2013 Asian Fisheries Society’s E-Newsletter.  This high level seminar was held on February 21 and May 23 in the Philippines for high value marine fish growers and technicians to discuss the USSEC’s aquaculture experience in Southeast Asia.  Levy Loreto Manalac, USSEC Technical Manager – Aquaculture, Philippines contributed the article to the E-Newsletter.


The Asian Fisheries Society is a non-profit scientific study established in 1984 by Asian fishery professionals and is aimed at promoting networking and cooperation between scientists, technicians and all stakeholders involved in fisheries and aquaculture production, research and development in Southeast Asia.  The organization’s objective is to enhance food security and income generating opportunities for fisheries workers via sound management practices, environmentally sustainable development and efficient utilization of the aquatic resources.  Its E-Newsletter is published twice yearly and is available at their website,