USSEC Provides Technical and Trade Services to Swine Producers Association Members in Colombia
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USSEC recently provided technical and trade services to Colombian Swine Producers Association (ACP) members in swine harvest plants, deboning facilities and sausage industries. USSEC also reviewed the possibility of developing social programs with these members.
USSEC consultant Julio Chaves traveled to Cali, Colombia to visit a group of companies in animal productions, which have a pig farm with 600 sows. The farm will increase its numbers to 2000 sows in the next 5 years. Because they are only selling carcasses, they would also like to build a deboning facility to get into value-added products. USSEC recommended that they not build any facilities until they learn the pork cuts market, as it is easier to sell carcasses than pork cuts. Another USSEC recommendation was to have an additional company for deboning pork carcasses and begin working in developing that market by learning about the pork-meat-cuts business.
In addition, Mr. Chaves visited the deboning facilities of Colombia’s largest single swine production company. This company is planning to build its own harvest plant in order to process 120 pigs per hour. They are currently in the process of designing the plant, and USSEC provided many suggestions for this project.
The concept of social responsibility has recently gained traction in Colombia and the members of the ACP are getting involved in social responsibility programs. USSEC was able to provide guidance in the planning of these programs.