USSEC Provides Technical Assistance to Pork Producers and Swine Harvest Processors in Dominican Republic
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USSEC recently provided technical assistance to pork producers and swine harvest processors in the Dominican Republic.
Consultants Julio Chaves, Pedro Pablo Lora and Fradbelin Escarraman visited ten companies where they discussed various relevant industry topics such as harvest, deboning, sausage facilities, meat quality and management to fulfill international export regulations. These consultants visited a large cooperative in the city of Moca where Mr. Chaves and Mr. Lora gave a lecture to the cooperative’s board members and associates about the need to produce good quality pigs and the many factors that may cause its detriment. The consultants also visited the National Agriculture and Livestock Fair in Santo Domingo to meet with livestock and pork producers.
The USSEC team visited the USDA office in the Dominican Republic and held a meeting with the Agricultural Attaché to relate the objectives of the trip, discussed some aspects of the meat and sausages industry in the Dominican, explained the next USSEC activities in the country and invited the Agriculture Office staff to participate in upcoming activities.
It is crucial for USSEC to continue its efforts on improving the quality of the pork produced in the Dominican Republic in order to increase the consumption of U.S. soybean meal. Imported pork is beginning to be introduced in the country, creating urgency for local pork to raise its standard of quality.