USSEC Speaks to Key Marine Fish Stakeholders in Indonesia and Philippines
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- Aquaculture
- General News
USSEC Aquaculture Program Lead Technical Consultant – SEA Lukas Manomaitis together with USSEC aquaculture consultants Pamudi, Sean Pin Lan and Levy Manalac, traveled to Indonesia and the Philippines to speak to key industry representatives who are looking at the expansion of aquaculture into offshore and industrial approaches. A marine fish culture industry using offshore approaches will be better able to showcase the value and utility of U.S. Soy, particularly U.S. soy protein concentrate (SPC) in the marine fish market.
It is anticipated that as the offshore cage culture of marine fish expands, high quality feeds, such as those using U.S. Soy and SPC in particular, will be required in large, consistent amounts.