soybean field

USSEC Releases Soybean Meal Quality by Origin Report

USSEC recently released its Soybean Meal Quality by Origin report, no. 6/2016, based on current (August) and future (November-January) feedstuff prices of week 27 for feeds of different species.
As always, the report shows the added value of higher quality soybean meal by origin for different regions based on current feedstuff prices in feeds for swine, layers and/or broilers.
Report highlights include:

  • Although soybean meal is sold on a per unit of protein basis, differences in digestible energy and amino acid content contribute more to the value of soybean meal.
  • Differences in value are largest for broiler feeds, followed by layer and swine feeds in all regions.
  • Soybean meal prices have decreased slightly in the Netherlands, Spain and Poland after significant increases last month. The future price (November-January) is higher than the current price. In Romania, the price of soybean meal has increased slightly, however.
  • With very good harvest predictions, feedstuff prices can decrease further in the near future.
  • On an equal protein content basis, the value differences (in energy, mineral and digestible amino acid content) of U.S. soybean meal over that of other origins is: € 8.20-23.00 (U.S. vs. Brazil) and € 9.30-26.80/MT (U.S. vs. Argentina) or respectively 1.9 to 5.4 percent and 2.2 to 6.3 percent.