USSEC India Targets Poultry Layer Industry to Build Soy Demand
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- Animal Utilization
- General News
In two consecutive events titled “Protein for All,” USSEC India targeted the layer industry to accelerate demand for soybean meal usage. With 83 billion eggs produced last year, India ranks third in the world. The province targeted for this activity, Andhra Pradesh, accounts for 30 percent of India’s egg production. The region is also the leading province for the production of fish and shrimp and figures in the top five provinces for broiler production.
Soy inclusions in the layer sector can swing substantially depending on the price, supply, and availability of other competing sources of protein. Customers recognize that soybean meal is produced using a standard process and therefore the quality of protein is nutritionally superior to other protein sources. In order to build more demand for soy in the layer sector, USSEC conducted two events in this province, set apart by a distance of 124 miles, where the maximum concentration of operations exist. It partnered with the leading poultry industry group, Srinivasa Hatcheries, which helped gather potential customers at the seminars.
Dr. S.V. Rama Rao who represents the Poultry Directorate of the Central Government of India was the lead speaker. A well-known researcher and an accepted guide for the industry, Dr. Rao spoke in depth on the quality and nutritional intricacies of soybean meal and how they affect egg production. USSEC animal utilization consultants Pawan Kumar and Yadu Nandan spoke on the commercial side, guiding the audience on buying skills and supply and demand trends of soy. The consultants also emphasized egg as a low cost protein source for the Indian population and recommended that the government position eggs in their social welfare and feeding programs. USSEC Deputy Regional Lead – Asia Subcontinent (ASC) Vijay Anand wrapped up the discussions by explaining how value addition to soy can be benefit the sellers (crush plants) and how customer demand for full strength soy protein can benefit the buyers (poultry sector).
An estimation made by USSEC consultants helped to quantify the target customers at these two events. The first event conducted in Vijayawada had 110 layer farmers and 8 aqua feed millers who represented 28 million layer bird holdings and 430,000 metric tons (MT) of annual aqua feed milling (layer and aqua). The layer group represented a soybean meal usage of 109,000 MT, while the aqua feed millers represented 86,000 MT. Similarly, the second event held at Rajahmundry, with 130 participants represented 23 million layer bird holdings requiring 92,000 MT of soybean meal in their operations.