soybean field

USSEC Continues to Build Preference through U.S. Soy Advantage among Romanian and Bulgarian Feed Industries

USSEC hosted a one-day seminar in Bucharest during the first week of March for Romanian and Bulgarian nutritionists and feed mill managers with the goal to emphasize the efficient use and processing of U.S. Soy quality.

Over 30 Romanian and Bulgarian nutritionists and feed mill managers attended the USSEC seminar

Through the papers presented at the seminar, consultants delivered a strong and clear take-home message: U.S. soybean amino acids’ digestibility and energy higher values advantages can better solve challenges of balancing feeds, high animal performances, and profitability. In addition, U.S. Soy farmers, as trusted suppliers, are able to supply the needs of today’s European feed industry for sustainably sourced ingredients.
“The audience enjoyed the information about relationship between soybean meal physical properties, anti-nutritional factors, and effects on animal performances,” stated USSEC consultant Dr. Gonzalo Mateos, professor of animal science at the University of Madrid, Spain. “There were very good interactions with participants regarding soybean meal attributes: particle size and particle size distribution, bulk density, color, trypsin inhibitors, urease and solubility indexes and how these properties impacts poultry and pigs performances. Several studies have been demonstrated that U.S. soybean meal is by far a superior ingredient compared to other origins soybean meals.”

Dr. Acedo checks broiler feed pellets conditioning temperature together with Luigi Stefanescu, general manager of Nutrisol Feed Mill

Prior to and after the event, USSEC consultants Dr. Mateos, Dr. Birger Svihus, and Dr. Juan Acedo were escorted by USSEC Animal Utilization Consultant – Romania Dr. Iani Chihaia on field visits, with the goal of meeting soy end users and looking at the challenges that they are facing and how USSEC can provide solutions and maximize demand for U.S. Soy.
By the end of the activity, technical people from companies visited and seminar participants gained more knowledge about U.S. Soy’s positive attributes and, in this way, preference for U.S. Soy continues to be built.

Dr. Mateos and Dr. Acedo evaluate feed pellet quality at the feed mill
Eda Kizilcelik, president of Bona Avis Poultry Integration, and her technical team welcomed Dr. Mateos and Dr. Acedo at Combial Feed Mill in Urziceni, Romania
USSEC consultants Dr. Svihus and Dr. Mateos discuss optimum particle size in soybean meal for broiler feeding
USSEC consultants visited with Dr. Ion Dochita, president of EuroAvi, a key broiler company from South Romania