soybean field

USSEC Conducts Meeting with Mexican Soy Industry to Present FY15 PR Strategy

USSEC organized and conducted a meeting in Mexico City with representatives of the Mexican soy industry consuming U.S. soybeans and soybean oil to present its public relations strategy for FY15.  The objective of USSEC’s PR strategy is to continue to maintain and increase the interest of current and potential soy consumers in Mexico; leverage its products; and generate awareness to those who are unfamiliar with the health benefits and positive economic impact of soy, in addition to demystifying any misconceptions about soy.
USSEC Regional Director – Americas Francisco de la Torre opened the meeting and explained the reasons and importance of developing this strategy.  He presented results of the strategy conducted in FY14 and invited Mexico’s soy industry to participate in and contribute to the FY15 activities and events.  An executive from the PR agency hired by USSEC detailed the stages of the strategy and the steps to follow to fulfill its objective.  The soybean oil refineries and soyfoods manufacturers that attended this meeting participated with questions and suggestions and were interested in joining with USSEC in the PR plan.