Use of a Soy-Maximized Feed for the Production of Pacu Piractus branchypomum
Category: Aquaculture
Region: Northeast Asia
DownloadA feeding trial was conducted in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China to demonstrate advanced fingerling to market growth performance of pacu Piractus branchypomum using a soy-maximized, all-plant protein feed. Fish were stocked in three, 4-mu (0.27-ha) ponds at a density of 800 pacu and 100 silver carp per mu (12,000 pacu and 1,500 silver per ha). Pacu grew from 149 g to an average weight of 628 g per fish in 54 days of feeding. Gross production averaged 496 kg/mu (7,440 kg/ha) for pacu and 108 kg/mu (1,620 kg/ha) for silver carp. Average survival rates for pacu and silver carp were 98.7% and 100%, respectively. The soy-maximized feed, formulated to have 32% crude protein and 6% crude fat with soybean meal as the primary protein source, yielded a FCR with pacu of 1.12:1. Non feed-taking silver carp served as a service species and provided additional fish production for added economic return. Average net economic return was RMB 1,809 per mu ($3,285/ha). Average return on investment was 59.9%. Pacu demonstrated excellent growth performance and feed conversion efficiency with the ASA soy-maximized feed and 80:20 production technology in this trial. Pacu produced were uniform in size with good body color and conformation. The demonstrated short culture cycle allows for the production of two crops of pacu per pond during a single growing season in the temperate climate of China.