This guide will provide the buyer of U.S. soybeans and soybean products with the tools needed to reach an educated and knowledgeable conclusion when making their buying decisions.
Chapter 1: The Soybean, Its History, and Its Opportunities
Soybeans…The Miracle Crop
Production and Processing Cycle of the Soybean
Soybean Products and Their Uses
Advantages of U.S. Soybeans
Chapter 2: Quality Standards for U.S. Soybeans and Soy Products
Dependable Quality
Grading Standards for Soybeans
Weighing and Inspection Procedures
Quality Determination for Soybean Meal and Oil
Impact of Quality and End Results
Chapter 3: Procuring U.S. Soybeans and Products
Finding a supplier
Negotiating a Purchase
Standard Contract Forms
Financing a Purchase of U.S. Soybeans
Chapter 4: Transporting U.S. Soybeans to Export Markets
U.S. Infrastructure
Methods of Shipment
Transport Documentation
Chapter 5: Managing the Risks
Cash Market
Futures Contracts
Options Contracts
Explanation of Codes and Symbols
Reading Commodity Futures Price Tables
An Explanation of Soybean Crush Margin
Metric Conversion Guide
Chapter 6: Biotechnology, IP Soybeans, Soyfood and Industrial Uses
Agricultural Biotechnology
Identity Preserved Soybeans
Soy foods
Industrial Uses of Soybeans
Appendix I: American Soybean Association-International Marketing Overseas Offices