Feed, Animal Producers in Americas Connect with USSEC at Mexico Meeting

37 key feed and animal producers in the Americas region connected with USSEC at the Regional Industrial Working Meeting in Cancun, Mexico last May. Participating in such events helps the organization to form a direct relationship with regional feed and animal producers’ organizations, know their needs, help develop future activities, and personally interact with the participants.
Consultant Pedro Lora represented USSEC, ensuring that attendees received an outlook of the international market for soybean products and grains, as well as for animal products and recognizing that the world economy has shifted compared to a decade ago. Mr. Lora showed that animal protein consumption is growing in the world, providing an opportunity to increase the use of U.S. soybean products. He discussed the necessity for animal producers to know that they need to adapt to the changes in consumers’ preferences, and educated them to increase the consumption of animal protein. He discussed the competitiveness and sustainability of U.S. soybean production and presented the nutritional value of U.S. soybean meal, specifically the added value of the digestible amino acid content to the producers from the Americas region.